CFA Workshop
Saturday, June 13, 2015
contributed by
Walt Plese
President, Colorado Forestry Association
The Colorado Forestry Association is hosting its June Workshop in the Black Forest onSaturday, June 13. Topics include Post-Fire Wood Utilization and Post-Fire Insect and Disease Issues. Cost is free.
Agenda & Map
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Plant Health Care Workshop
Thursday, June 18, 2015
contributed by
Mike Eckhoff
Biomass and Small-Diameter Wood Utilization Coordinator for Region 2, USDA Forest Service
The International Society of Arboriculture Rocky Mountain Section and Colorado Tree Coalition are hosting their 2015 Plant Health Care Workshop on Thursday, June 18, at the Hilton Fort Collins. Topics include conifer issues, Asian longhorn beetle, wood utilization, vendor demo's, emerald ash borer, local updates, and first detector training.
More information,
including online registration
A great, green classroom
Forestry Day puts hundreds of students into the woods to learn about the natural world
“A dead tree standing in the middle of the woods might not have much value to us,” he said. “But if you’re a woodpecker, that tree is very valuable to you. A log on the forest floor has value for bugs and salamanders, in the space it provides for small things to live. It’s not always about the monetary value. You need to make decisions about today’s forest, but also keep in mind what is going to happen in the future. That’s called a managed forest.”
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Some Insect Notes
from Colorado Entomologists
contributed by
Bruce Benninghoff
Consulting Forester
Front Range Forestry
Following up on Sawfly wasp article in previous alert:
An interesting observation that my wife Pat and I made is the detection of a population of larvae of the bull pine sawfly, Zadiprion townsendi on ponderosa pine near Stove Prairie. We found the infestation, which is located about halfway between Stove Prairie landing at the junction of CO 14 and Stove Prairie, about two weeks ago. Feeding is occurring on trees that managed to survive the High Park Fire. Larvae were primarily in instars IV and V. I collected some larvae to try to rear adults and started to get some cocoons last weekend. Defoliation is noticeable from the road but probably not aerially visible. This is an interesting species because larvae are present during the winter months.
William M. Ciesla
Forest Health Management International
2248 Shawnee Court
Fort Collins, CO 80525
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A new study applies a well-established principle of fluid flow to identify which types of trees could be winners and losers as global warming progresses.
The analysis doesn't attempt to specify timing or specific locations where such shifts in vegetation would occur. Instead, it uses the principle known as Darcy's law to explore the general types of vegetation most likely and least likely to survive rising temperatures and extreme drought.
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